I’ve always been a decorator at heart. As a little girl I spent my weekends rearranging my bedroom and offered assistance to my mom whenever I saw her cleaning the house. I loved our home growing up and was proud of it's appearance. Very early on I understood the sense of pride one feels in taking care of what you've earned. I started working at the ripe age of fourteen so I had “My Own” money. After all, I couldn’t ask my parents for cash every time Billy Idol had a concert. (My driving force for pocket money and a huge inspiration ever since I can remember.) I've always believed music, fashion and design were closely related and still do today. I may be a bit of a dreamer and it doesn't bother me a bit to be referred to as such. Said simply by the late great Walt Disney, "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." My love for music and fashion proceeded my passion for design. Although thinking back, strategically placing each Rock n Roll poster on my bedroom walls, displaying books in a balanced form, painting and playing with furniture more often then the average girl, I guess I had it in me all along. The symmetry of my room made me feel organized and comfortable with a sense of accomplishment. I loved to create and recreate the same space. This creative streak of mine has molded me into one who sees the world in form, color, shapes and texture with endless possibility.
For over a decade, I’ve had the time of my life working with top designers, developers and industry leaders. Naturally this has led me to finding cutting edge products of today, while discovering the best of our past. I am fortunate to do what I love, continue to follow my passion and share what I’ve learned with all of you. XO Tracy~
“Let the Beauty of What You Love Be What You Do”